Tuesday, February 18, 2014



It tugs at your heart like a rose’s thorn
determined to linger in your thoughts
as a medallion of molten gold
slips softly through darkened clouds
and lifts your spirits to a higher plain.

There are no words,
which is why we stand in awe,
bodies motionless
aching for that golden magic to
somehow stop and stay forever.

The silhouettes of wading birds
wander slowly across the rippling foreshore,
oblivious to the fiery palette
that brings the lovers and loners
to share the evening solace.

So near you yearn to reach out
and touch that special something
but instead remain entranced,
under its hypnotic spell,
grateful to share the moment

that disappears so quickly
in one fiery yawn
slipping silently behind
distant ink black mountains
that seem to have swallowed it whole.

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