Friday, May 13, 2005



Next time that he screams at you
and calls you an old hag,
a stuck up bitch, a selfish cow
a slapper or a bag,
just catch your breath
remind yourself,
that you’re worth more than this.

And when somebody comments
on how good you look today
just smile and then say ‘Thankyou,
how nice of you to say.’
Ignore the sulks and snide remarks
for you’re worth more than this.

When he forgets your birthday
and turns up late each night,
remember what I’ve told you
and keep your morale bright.
For one day you will recognise
that you’re worth more than this.

And when he rants and raves at you
and points his shaking finger,
just turn your back and close your eyes,
don’t think to even linger.
But keep on walking out that door
for you’re worth more than this.

And when you fully accept
that what I say is true
your confidence will re-emerge
and show you what to do.
Bid him goodbye and walk away
for you’re worth more than this.

Don’t worry that he’ll be alone
suffering a broken heart
he’ll be out there with all his charm
to find another start.
Be grateful you’ve made your escape
for you’re worth more than this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I've visited your web address from the WriteLink site; a most rewarding journey.
'More Than This' is a terrific piece of writing and with such immediate impact that I suspect it's autobiographical. If so, thats a pity - but still the spur for some great writing. Thanks for sharing it.